Useful Updates
Hotel Cases
There are two new PAPs - one about children in hotels long term, and the other about dormitories in hostels being used long term. In absence of any particular circumstances which make the situations more urgent, use these for people in hostel / hotels for more than 8 weeks.
There is a new expert report from three eminent medics which should be attached to any PAP about families in B&B / hotel accommodation. See here
Barracks & Barges cases
There are now PAPs for people moved / being moved to barracks and bargets. This followed the High Court finding that Napier Barracks provided inadequate accommodation for asylum seekers, that the Defendant’s process for selecting people to be accommodated at the Barracks was flawed and unlawful. See here
Rwanda cases
Anyone in this situation should seek legal advice
Manston Cases
The government unlawfully detained a large number of people in Manston where conditions were awful, including insufficient food / bedding etc. We have prepared a Subject Access Request that can be used for anyone who was detained, which can be sent off pending their instructing lawyers in relation to any damages claim. Many people have been rehoused in substandard hotels without access to healthcare, and a PAP on this is also being prepared.
Training Session
We provided a training session on the new e-visa system introduced from 1st December. Click here to view the recording of the training session.