What is the PAP Project ?
The PAP Project enables front line organisations to challenge unlawful decisions – using a combination of e-learning training, detailed precedents and supervision by expert lawyers.
Doing this saves time – avoiding the need for hours waiting for Migrant Help to reply, hours spent trying to obtain assistance from charities or trying to refer people to lawyers.
It enables formal pre action letters (“PAPs”) to be written by people rather than lawyers, which in the majority of cases ensure the government (central government or local councils) stop acting unlawfully, the issues are resolved and all without having to refer to a solicitor.
The Project is reactive – so, where new issues arise affecting people, a new precedent will be drafted.
The scheme is available for free and is suitable for people without any legal knowledge.
& it works..

E learning + Precedent Letters + Supervision = Justice
What type of issues?
The PAP Project deals with issues where government regularly makes unlawful decisions.
Often these effect migrants, but also families with children and homless applications.
Currently we are seeing many cases for people placed in Barges and Barracks, families housed long-term in inadequate hotels, young men in dormitories, and street homeless refugees. And lots of cases around Home Office delays.. delays in providing support - both accommodation and finances, including the £9.10 per week for people in hostel accommodation.
We have started a new project working with DDPOs on Equality Act issues effecting Deaf and Disabled people. Training on this and precedent letters are available. Please contact us if this would be of interest.
We do some PAPs around immigration delays, but these are limited to organisations who are OISC registered.
A full list of PAPs is here